The Opening
Intuitive Reading and Oracular Guidance
There are messages waiting for you.
Sometimes the path forward is not clear. The head says one thing, the heart another. Sometimes we have trouble hearing at all.
Confusion and uncertainty strike everyone from time to time. No one is exempt, and in the depths it can feel like a lonely and solitary journey.
It’s not that you can’t find the answers on your own,
it’s that sometimes you need a friendly reminder that you don’t have to.
Someone to hold up a mirror to what you already know, deep down.
A reminder of the way through…
And we can get there faster together.
In this oracular process I serve your transformation, desires, and offer simple actions and contemplations to unlock your knowing to help bring your vision to life with inspired action, deeper trust, renewed agency, and greater clarity.
My intuitive language is not (necessarily) predictive in nature, but in service to amplifying what’s needed in the present moment.
The space we’ll create together is founded on kindness, neutrality, and honesty. Above all -
I am devoted to love and truth.
I’m into no-frills heart to hearts and actionable notes.
I believe in the magical, mystical, and practical.
I believe we can both go deep and hold it lightly,
and that small changes lead to big shifts.
A bit about me through the lens of this work:
I come from a family of people with intuitive gifts, I have been guided from an early age to learn, connect, and cultivate my own intuitive language and how Spirit speaks to me. And, like many who grow up in relationship with other ways of knowing than what general society deems acceptable, I was also taught that these gifts were better kept private. And now, I believe we’re entering a time where it’s becoming more vital to bring all parts of ourselves to the table. To tell our truth. Fully and with courage. I believe everyone has the potential to connect directly to Spirit, that we’re all working on a spectrum of ability, and there are ways in which we can learn to turn the dial up or down. I see intuition as something both wildly human, and a gift to be handled with real care and discernment.
I am a channel for Spirit. I engaged in a four year traditional, dual-lineage shamanic mentorship that was informed by Bolivian ways of knowing and Tibetan Buddhism. Alongside my spiritual pursuits I have over 20 years experience as an interdisciplinary artist and creative. Theatre, dance, design, and painting. I’m well attuned to the constant death/rebirth cycles and sensibilities of making a creative (and intentionally, spiritual) life. I have experienced both artistic highs and total burn out. I continue to find that my spiritual practice supports my art practice and that they really aren’t all that different. They each, in their own way, help to give me a practical understanding of psychospiritual motivation, human behavior, fear and desire, habit-patterns, and the deep pleasure of being in flow.
I am a lifelong student and seeker of contemplative and esoteric practices, mysticism, and wisdom traditions. I am committed to and emboldened by curiosity and continued learning. I am deeply grateful to all of my teachers, mentors, and lineages (by both blood and choice) for the medicine I’ve received and continue to receive from them all. And while many traditions inspire and inform my practice - I wander a pathless path and am most interested in tending the sacred flame of creative energy, and exploring the bridge that makes us fully human and fully divine.
single session: $200
(payment links sent after booking)
Please set aside 90 min. We'll spend about 60min of that time together, but I highly recommend giving yourself some time after our sit to take notes and/or journal as well as allowing yourself to enter slowly back into your day.
All sessions held remotely via zoom unless otherwise arranged.
Have questions, or want to request a time that doesn’t appear on the calendar? Please see FAQs below or reach out here.
My deepest wish is that we all expand into our fullest potential and live a life we can delight in.
It’s a process and a practice … and this is an opening to it.
“Recently I had the honor of experiencing a one on one intuitive reading. The guidance and messages she passed on to me are ones I reflect on daily. Literally. Every day. Allison’s unique style is direct, heart centered, and action oriented… Our session kicked off a domino effect of profound insights around my own creative gifts; and I feel so much safer and more empowered to embody my true self and lean into my sacred calling. She is one of the most remarkably gifted intuitives I have ever worked with, and I cannot recommend her highly enough.”
We’ll sit together in meditation, you don’t need to “know how to meditate” or be “a meditator”, it’s my way of grounding and creating space for messages to come through. We’ll drop in, share what comes up, and uncover meaning through processing together. And repeat this a few times. I encourage you to take notes, and afterward, I’ll send you my notes on our time together.
Career shifts - relationship challenges - indecision - staying centered while navigating stress - accessing inner artist + creative process - fertility - feeling stuck - spiritual curiosity - personal well-being in leadership roles - greater self-expression - grounding - courageousness - regulating and utilizing gifts - trust in your own intuitive knowing.
Have one or two topics/areas you’d like to focus on, while also remaining open to what else comes through. Everything tends to connect, so remain open to what’s present, as it generally somehow relates to your original questions/desires. Please be in a private space where you can sit quietly, comfortably, and undisturbed. Please have a journal, pen, and water on hand.
The Opening originated as the beginning of my Custom Meditation Painting process. Custom Meditation Paintings are for when you want to anchor into the physical an intention or desire. They are talismans that symbolize a rite of passage, deep shifts, new chapters, and overarching support.
The Opening best serves the moments in between, liminal space. moments you feel a little “off”, lost, alone, confused or when you feel you’re having a hard time connecting to your own intuition or inner knowing. I often work with people who are highly creative, sensitive, and intuitive (even if you don’t recognize yourself as such yet). And that can sometimes feel like an isolated, solitary path. This is akin to spiritual friendship - a place to be held in kindness, receive intuitive guidance, messages, small actions, and contemplations to affirm your connection to your own channel, agency, and ability to transform.
There’s no set time frame around how often to come. You will know when you’re feeling the nudge to reach out, trust that feeling, trust yourself.
Although this work can feel therapeutic, this is not therapy, and I am not a licensed therapist. New York State requires that I tell you: this is for entertainment purposes, which is a great reminder that even when things feel serious, they can also be a real good time. Let’s have fun. If you are encountering issues with mental health, mental illness, or if I think you would be better supported by someone else, I am connected to a lovely community of clinical therapists, and practitioners of various modalities that I’m happy to refer you to where and when I can.